If you don’t write it down, a goal is just a dream…
Earlier this month, Synergy member Lori Unver set a goal for herself to lose 10 pounds by May 15th. She already had all the tools she needed to be successful. Lori was consistent with her small group training workouts and together we tweaked her nutrition plan to support her efforts. But perhaps the most important thing she did to ensure her success did not involve changing her diet or even breaking a sweat. She took her goal and the tactics she would need to achieve it and she wrote them down.

There is research to support that the mere act of putting your goals in writing increases the chances that you’ll actually achieve them dramatically. In fact, a study from the Dominican University in California revealed that you are 42% more likely to hit your goals if you write them down. Dr. Gail Matthews who ran the study says, “The likelihood that you’ll transform your desires into reality goes up even further if you share your written goals with a friend who believes in your ability to succeed.”
What accounts for the difference?
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If you don’t write it down, a goal is just a dream… Read More »