4 Week Summer Slim Down Challenge

Nutrition Checklist

Are you conscious of calorie intake?

It’s scientifically proven that the only way to gain or lose weight is calories taken in vs. calories burned. In order to lose weight you need to burn more calories thru metabolism and exercise than you consume.

Are you reading nutrition labels?

It is important to make sure that you understand all of the ingredients that you eat. The shorter the list of ingredients and the more familiar they are to you the more nutritious the food is for you. In a perfect world you will consume foods that do not have nutrition labels such as fruit, vegetables and lean protein.

Are you eating a balance of lean protein, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats?

You need healthy carbohydrates for energy such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Protein is the building block for muscle and also helps you feel full for a longer period of time.


Are you avoiding simple sugars and artificial sweeteners?

The American Heart Association recommends that men do not exceed 35g and women do not exceed 28g a day.

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