Before Synergy, I was very discouraged as to what action to take towards a healthier lifestyle. Then being diagnosed with diabetes in March, I knew something had to change! My trip to my Nutritionist is where it began. Nadia told me about Synergy. Her patients had fantastic results and were thrilled by the camaraderie from the staff. I immediately called Synergy and scheduled my first visit. Brad was inspiring, motivating and enthusiastic towards me. That was a great feeling! Having the consistent support, encouragement and motivation during group training from the Personal Trainers has resulted in me losing 30lbs!!!!! Wow! Never thought it was possible. To quote Audrey Hepburn “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! Being accountable and consistent has lead me towards a brighter future of being diabetic free! As a result of my current weight loss, I am proud to say that I am in the pre diabetic range for my A1C blood sugar! Thank you Synergy from the bottom of my heart!