Are You Sabotaging Yourself?
According to health and wellness coach, Jason Christoff the reason people self-sabotage is nearly always the same.
Are You Sabotaging Yourself? Read More »
According to health and wellness coach, Jason Christoff the reason people self-sabotage is nearly always the same.
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Eat as Much as You Want of these Foods Read More »
Most people know in general that drinking water is good for you. Since our bodies are made of mostly water, good hydration is critical to maintaining healthy digestion, circulation, and even body temperature. In some respects, water is even more important than food. Humans can go without food for weeks, but can only go three days without water. But aside from the essential life functions it supports, water plays a pivotal role in fitness too.
5 Reasons to Stay Hydrated Read More »
When it comes to working out and getting fit, it seems like everyone has their “expert” opinion. Unfortunately much of what’s out there is false or inaccurate. And with the sheer volume of information it can be hard to sift through to get to good, sound fitness advice. Here are some common workout myths to be aware of.
Myth: You have to workout every day to get in shape.
Truth: While you should do something to get your body moving each day, you should not go all out seven days a week. Your body needs time to recover from strenuous workouts and exercising intensely every day can do more harm than good. Shoot for two days of recovery per week to do only low intensity exercise like walking or gentle yoga.
Myth: For women, working out with weights will make you bulk up.
Truth: This is probably the most common fitness misconception out there. The truth is, women don’t have the chemical makeup to bulk up from the average strength-training routine. They produce far less of the hormone testosterone than men do. In fact men have about 30 times more testosterone than women which is why they tend to put on more muscular size than their female counterparts.
Common Workout Myths Read More »