8 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment and energy that comes from losing weight. Seeing results from the healthy choices you make around food and exercise is the ultimate motivator to keep moving forward. But what happens when you stop seeing results? What happens when you feel like you’ve suddenly hit a wall and it seems like your progress has stopped? That’s the point when so many people revert to their old ways and end up gaining back the weight they’ve lost and maybe even more.

If you’ve been coasting along on your weight loss journey but now feel like you’re not seeing the results of your effort, there are many potential reasons why. Ask yourself if any of the following apply to you.

You overeat healthy foods. Regardless of what food you’re eating, portion sizes do matter. Just because a food is healthy for you doesn’t mean you have license to eat as much as you want. Nut butters are a great example of a food that is good for, but also really high in calories. Just two tablespoons contain about 200 calories. So, pay attention to your serving sizes regardless of what you’re eating.

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