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January 2019

Dieting Kills Your Metabolism

Most people know that if you want to lose weight, you need to put your body into a calorie deficit. At the most basic level this means you need to burn more calories than you take in. With this in mind, many people make the HUGE mistake of cutting way back on calories so much that it actually lowers their metabolism. I’ve heard of people bringing their calorie intake down to 800 calories a day which frankly is absurd.

While cutting down on calories will work in the short term, in the long term you’re doing more damage than you know. When you deprive your body of the calories and nutrients it needs to function, your brain will eventually kick in to survival mode. It will lower your metabolism in an effort to prevent you from starving to death. The scientific term for this is adaptive thermogenesis which basically means your body adapts to burn fewer calories based on what you’re taking in. And here’s the kicker, once your metabolism slows down, it may not ever be restored to its normal function. A study published in The International Journal of Obesity found that low-calorie diets led to a 15% slow down in metabolism long term.

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What’s Your Why?

Did you know that 92 percent of people who set goals fail to achieve them? I was floored when I saw that statistic. How could so many people who start out with the best intentions fall short of their goals or flat out fail?  So I did a little reading about the 8 percent who do succeed and what sets them apart. I learned that the people who do succeed always know their why.  They always know the reason why they have the goals they do.

You might be thinking – that’s simple. I know why I want to lose weight. Or I know why I want to get in shape. It’s because I want to look good in a swimsuit. Or it’s because my doctor said I should.  Or it’s because my best friend is getting married and I’m in the wedding. Those reasons are all well and good. But the why I’m talking about is a deeper and more meaningful thing that will compel you to keep trying even when things get challenging.

Do you know your why? Here’s a simple exercise to help you zero in on a crystal clear health and fitness why.

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