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November 18, 2019

Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving Dinner

I feel like the Thanksgiving holiday has become synonymous with over-eating. If you think I’m wrong consider this. The average Thanksgiving dinner complete with all the fixings is about 3000 calories. So, if you’re average that means you’re consuming more calories at that ONE meal than you should in about a day and a half. In just one meal. And, that’s not even considering the follow up meals of leftovers that happen later that day and the next. But, I’m here to tell you that it does not have to be that way. Here are some tips to help you have a healthier Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Don’t starve yourself leading up to the big meal. While you might think this is a good strategy, it’s actually more likely to backfire on you. Going into a meal where there is an abundance of food when you’re ravenously hungry is never a good idea. Chances are you’ll go way overboard and eat more than you should. Instead, have a healthy breakfast (and lunch if necessary) as you normally would.
  • Go for the white meat. Although many prefer the taste of dark meat,

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Maintain Don’t Gain Holiday Challenge

Synergy PFT


12/2 – 12/31 – 30 Day Challenge

50 People NEEDED!!!

The holiday season is typically a time of over-indulgence during which many many people gain weight. Participating in the Maintain Don’t Gain Holiday Challenge is a way to make this year different. The goal of this challenge is to maintain your current weight or lose weight during this holiday season.  

Here’s how it works:

  • Add $20 to the pot to get in to the challenge.
  • Your first weigh-in must take place during the week of 11/25 using the Synergy digital scale. This weight is to be recorded on your personal fitness profile sheet. 
  • Final weigh-in must take place during the week of 12/30 using Synergy digital scale. This weight is also recorded on your personal fitness profile sheet. Optional weekly weigh-ins on Thursdays & Fridays 12/5 or 12/6, 12/12 or 12/13, 12/19 or 12/20, 12/26 or 12/27
  • Each participant adds their name to the spreadsheet on white board and uses this to track their daily points. 

50% of the money collected will be awarded to the participant with the most points on day 15 and the other 50% will be awarded to the participant with the most points on day 30.

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