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6 Week Challenge

6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 2

We’re on to week 2 of the 6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge! This week’s assignment is to up your activity level. You can do this by adding in an extra workout at Synergy, incorporating a 30-60 minute walk or run or adding a yoga session to your weekly exercise.
But, extra activity doesn’t have to be in the form of a traditional workout. If you don’t have time for a full workout, you can also choose to do things like this instead:
  • Park farther away from the store so you have to walk more.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
  • Do some yard work – now is a great time!
  • Really walk your dog. You and your dog will benefit!
  • Take your kids to the park and play along with them – climb the jungle gym, swing, push the roundabout.
  • Clean your house. Vacuuming or washing the floor can really get your blood pumping!
  • Make your coffee break a walking break.
  • Stand up and do 10 squats every hour you’re at work.
  • Walk around while you’re on a phone call.

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6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 1 Assignment

Week 1 Assignment: Start a Food Log
Assessments are done. Goals are set. It’s go time! We are so excited to kick off the 6 Week Fat Loss Challenge this week. Each week you’ll get a new fat loss assignment that will make it easy for you to meet your fat loss goal.
This week’s assignment is to start a food log you’ll use to keep track of everything you eat and drink. You can use an app such as MyPlate or MyFitnessPal or even just a pen and paper. But be sure to record everything including dressing on your salad, cream or sugar in your coffee, condiments on your burger, etc. Make a note of portion sizes and the times of your meals and snacks.
Food logs have been proven to be effective in helping people meet their weight and fat loss goals. In fact, a recent study following 1,800 men and women over a six-month period showed that those who kept a food diary lost 50 percent more than those who did not.
Why is tracking your food so helpful?
  • Awareness: It can be eye opening to see everything you’ve put in your body at the end of the day.

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