6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 2

We’re on to week 2 of the 6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge! This week’s assignment is to up your activity level. You can do this by adding in an extra workout at Synergy, incorporating a 30-60 minute walk or run or adding a yoga session to your weekly exercise.
But, extra activity doesn’t have to be in the form of a traditional workout. If you don’t have time for a full workout, you can also choose to do things like this instead:
  • Park farther away from the store so you have to walk more.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
  • Do some yard work – now is a great time!
  • Really walk your dog. You and your dog will benefit!
  • Take your kids to the park and play along with them – climb the jungle gym, swing, push the roundabout.
  • Clean your house. Vacuuming or washing the floor can really get your blood pumping!
  • Make your coffee break a walking break.
  • Stand up and do 10 squats every hour you’re at work.
  • Walk around while you’re on a phone call.

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6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 2 Read More »