Synergy Personal Fitness Training - 130 High Street Waltham, MA 02453
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July 2015

Assessment Day: Monday and Tuesday

14 minutes of cardio, 28 minutes on the floor, 14 minutes cardio
Every member gets their own folder, stopwatch and pen (have them record their own data, do not do it for them!). Trainer guides them through each assessment and corrects form and technique. Members will likely finish at different times and can then progress right to the workout. Have members refile their folders ALPHABETICALLY (announce this!) to organizer on top of file cabinet (not back in file cabinet!). The exercises selected for workout should be familiar to most. New members may need more guidance through the assessment process (fyi) Everyone works at their own station for routine below. If any member is delayed at getting started with workout, have them jump into session at the same point where the other participant(s) are in workout.


write the following on white board:

Need: Folder, Stopwatch, Pen



option A:                                    option B (for veterans):

Plank MAX OUT                         # of straight legged sit ups in 60 seconds MAX OUT
Wall Sit MAX OUT                     # of squats in 30 seconds MAX OUT
Push Ups MAX OUT                  # static push-up 90 degrees (hold as long as possible)
20 Squats
20 Jumping Jax
20 Bicep Curls
20 Sit Ups
20 Shoulder Press
20 Leg Raises
20 Floor Bridges
20 Push Ups
20 (2)Arm Row

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Assessment Day: Monday and Tuesday Read More »

Assessment Day: Wednesday and Thursday


Body Composition Assessment – Wednesday and Thursday

14 minutes of cardio, 28 minutes on the floor, 14 minutes of cardio

Perform assessments as soon as they arrive.
Members get their own folder, step on digital scale and record their own weight (do not do it for them!). Refer them to white board for OMRON instructions. Be ready to coach them through process. Have member record their own BF% and BMI (do not do it for them). Have members file their folder ALPHABETICALLY (announce this!) in organizer on top of file cabinet (not back into cabinet!). Begin workout. If any member is delayed at getting started with the workout, just have them jump into the session at the same point where other participant(s) are in the workout.

add the following to whiteboard:

Need: folder, pen, OMRON

14:1 /28:1 / 14:1

Body weight

Body Fat percentage


20 Squat / shoulder press

20 Hammer curl

20 Push-ups

20 Alternating reverse lunge

20 Weighted sit-up

20 Lying tricep extension

20 Weighted calf raise

20 Alternating 2 arm row

20 Scissor kick


Assessment Day: Wednesday and Thursday Read More »

Workout #20

Everyone works at their own station. Equipment: DB, Stacks of 3 steps, mat. Have stations and equipment ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.

Sit stand / Front raise                                         15
Dips                                                                         15
Crunch / Reverse Crunch                                 20/20
Seated Shoulder Press                                         15
Single Arm Row                                                    15
Flutter Kicks / Over unders                              20/20
Push Up Shoulder Tap                                        20
Weighted Sit Ups                                                 20
Single Leg Floor Bridge                                    15/15

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Workout #19

Everyone works at their own station. Equipment: DB, mat. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.
Squat / Alternating Butt Kick                                           45 sec.
Single Leg DB Shoulder press                                          10 sec.each side
Side Plank                                                                             30 sec. each side

Arnold Press                                                                         15
Squat / hammer curl                                                          15
Straight Leg Oblique Sit Up                                              15 ea side
Cobra Stretch                                                                       15 sec

Single Arm DB Row                                                            15 ea
O/H DB Tricep Extension                                                 15
Single Leg floor Bridge                                                       15ea
Sit and Reach Hamstring Stretch                                    10 sec

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Workout #18

Everyone works at their own station. Equipment: DB, mat, body bar. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes
Two Arm DB Row                                                                          15
Squat / DB Push                                                                             15
Plank                                                                                                 60 sec.

Reverse Lunge / Shoulder Press                                                  10 each
Bicycle Crunch                                                                                 30 sec.
Single Leg Plank                                                                               30 sec. each side

Squat/ Body bar front raise                                                           15
Body Bar over head sit up                                                              20
Weighted bird dogs                                                                          15 ea side

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Workout #17

Everyone works at their own station. Equipment: DB, circular band, mat, KB. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.

Single arm DB squat / clean / press                                                    10 each
Squat / Hip Abduction with Band                                                       10 each
Plank with hip abduction                                                                      20 each side

KB 1 arm Hip Thrust                                                                              10 each arm
Donkey Kick                                                                                             20 each side
Sit Up Knee Tap                                                                                      30

KB Sumo Squat / Upright Row                                                             20
KB Shoulder Press                                                                                   20 each side
Crunch / static leg raise                                                                          20 / 20 second hold

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Workout #16

Everyone works at their own station. Equipment: DB, med ball,. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.

Weighted Squat / bodyweight pulse squat                                                         15 / 15 sec pulse
Push-up                                                                                                                      45 sec
Partner Sit-up / Med ball throw                                                                            60 sec

Forward Lunge Bicep Curl                                                                                      10 ea
Bent over Two arm kickback / static squeeze                                                     15 / 10 sec squeeze
Alternate sit up / Floor Bridge                                                                               15 ea

Weighted Alt. Lunge w/DBs                                                                                    10 ea
Alternate Lateral Raise / Front Raise                                                                    10 ea
Flutter Kicks                                                                                                                45 sec

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Workout #15

Everyone works at their own station, except for last series is a circuit. Equipment: DB, mat, med ball, swiss ball, lat pulldown. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.

Alternating forward lunge                                                         15 each
Bicep Curl / Shoulder Press                                                      20
Crunch / Reverse Crunch                                                          20 each
Squat / alternating reverse lunge                                            10 each
O/H DB Tricep Ext                                                                     15
Med ball straight leg sit ups                                                      20
Squat Med Ball Front Raise                                                     30 sec
Lat Pull Downs                                                                           30 sec
Swiss Ball Crunch                                                                      30 sec
Push Ups                                                                                     30 sec

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Workout #14

Everyone works at their own station. Except last series is a circuit. Equipment: DB, mat, stack of 3 steps, body bar, med ball. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.

Goblet Squat                                                                                             15
Single Arm OH Sit Up with DB                                                            10 ea
Push Ups                                                                                                   max out
Reverse Lunge / Shoulder Press                                                          10 EA
Sit Ups                                                                                               AMRAP in 60 Sec
Bird Dogs                                                                                                  15 EA
Dips                                                                                                             30 sec.
Alt. Jump Lunges                                                                                     30 sec.
Body Bar OH Sit Up                                                                                 30 sec.
Med Ball Russian Twist                                                                           30 sec.

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Workout #13

Everyone works at their own station. Except last series is circuit. Equipment: DB, mat, cable, bosu KB. Have stations ready. As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes.


Squats /  Squat Jumps                                                                    20 / 10
Downward Dog to Cobra                                                                     15
Straight Leg Oblique Sit Up                                                                10 EA
Single Leg Floor Bridge                                                                        15 EA
Reverse Lunge to Bicep Curl                                                               10 EA
Push Ups                                                                                                 20
Donkey Kicks                                                                                         30 EA
Cable Bicep Curl                                                                                   30 sec
Goblet Squat                                                                                          30 sec
Plank feet on bosu                                                                               30 sec
ALT Single Arm KB Swing                                                                  30 sec

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