Tips for Your Healthiest Summer Ever!
5 Tips for Your Healthiest Summer Ever
Stay hydrated – When the summer heat sets in, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated.
6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 6
Week 6 Assignment: Replace Processed Foods with Whole Foods!
Wow! It’s hard to believe we’re in the last week of our 6 Week Fat Loss Challenge.
6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 5
Week 5 Assignment: Get Hydrated!
Here’s a fact that may surprise you. 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Given that hydration is essential to almost every bodily function,
6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 4
Week 4: Work on Portion Control
We live in a time when the assumption is that bigger is better. Restaurants pride themselves on offering huge plates of food.
6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 3
Week 3: Cut Back on Alcohol and Sugar Consumption
Here we go for week 3 of the 6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge!
6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge – Week 2
We’re on to week 2 of the 6 Week Summer Fat Loss Challenge! This week’s assignment is to up your activity level. You can do this by adding in an extra workout at Synergy,